Welcome to Space 17's Writing Blog. We are a year 5 & 6 classroom at Kawaha Point Primary School. We would like to share some of our writing we do at school with you. Some of our writing will be written straight onto our blog, so our spelling and grammar might not always be perfect. If you like what you see/read please leave a comment.
Thursday, 1 September 2011
The Monkey Saves the day!
“The hunters are coming to shoot us!” I yelled. “So we need to get away from the hunters!”
We ran as far as we could we ran to the driest place in the jungle.
All of a sudden it started raining and became muddy. It was not fun at all now we were sad.
We were walking until nighttime and we were thirsty. We stopped and fell on the ground. We found a place to sleep in.
It was the morning when we woke up and walked to the lion king jungle.
We ran to the lion king and said “lion king can you help the jungle? The hunters are back and are shooting the animals up!”
“Run to the jungle monkey, when you are there have an invisible drink to turn you into an invisible monkey” replied the Lion King.
We were in the jungle. I was invisible and punched the hunter as hard as I could.
He was knocked out.
I the little monkey had saved the day and the animals sang a victory song for the monkey.
The dark green shadows scattered across the forest floor. The glowing sun broke through towering emerald trees. The gushing sound of the cool aqua blue water echoed around the whole jungle.
The fierce tiger snarled as he heard rustling in the dark shadows. It was the cheeky chimp. His dream was to turn invisible to steal everyone’s supplies and food. He started to steal every ingredient he needed to create his own potion. The cheeky chimp laughed his evil laugh around the tree top canopy. He swooped down with his swirly vine and stealing all tigers stuff. Tiger was furious, he chomped on the chimp’s swirly vine and cheeky chimp came tumbling down. Cheeky chimp wasn’t so lucky this time.
But cheeky chimp didn’t give up, actually he planned much bigger. He decided to go to the big city and steal stuff from the famous laboratory. He swung from vine to vine and branch to branch. But it was dusk and the dark night was closing in. A storm slowly drifted over the jungle. A rolling thunder roared all night and it was hard for the chimp to get to sleep. A Lightning bolt struck and it illuminated the night sky.
In the morning the monkey made it to the city, it was much different from the jungle. The jungle was quiet and peaceful, and in the city cars beeped helicopters roared, boats splashed. Cheeky chimp was lost lonely and sad. He gave up and went back home
He apologised to all the people he stole from and gave their stuff back. The chimp that was the cheeky chimp was now the cheerful chimp.
Story Starter
We hope you like our stories!
Friday, 8 July 2011
Ghost Town
It was like a ghost town because it was completely silent. Not even one noise could be heard, not even a bird was making a noise. The background was full of fog it felt extremely cold. The grass was a dark apple green.
I stood beneath the towering tree. I was extremely scared that I could not even take a single breath. I was shaking like someone had pushed me in a very cold lake. I turned quickly and ran into my house, rushed into my room and reached for my teddy. I cuddled it until the mist and scary day was completely over.
The Tree
I slowly started across the freezing, crystal frosty grass towards the dark, naked tree. I sat down and the rustle of the small branches sounded like flies desperately crashing against the thin window trying to get out.
When I was sitting down I thought about the tree and its thin branches, dark brown bark and the fact that there was not a single leaf on it. Suddenly I heard a voice. A cold feeling rushed down my throat. Someone was watching me! Who was that person?
I quickly stood up as the noise faded in the distance and I turned around. No one was there. I sprinted down the foggy field and ran down the road back to where my house was and I was safe.
By Ben
In the Mist
A swing was hanging dejectedly on the trees worn branches. It had been sitting in the silence, hanging on the trees for centuries. For the first time in many years the silence was broken as a young girl crunched on the frost. The delicately formed dewdrops burst as she gently stood on them. She sat on the dusty swing and thought. The only noise for miles was the sound of the old rusty swing ropes creaking gently as the swing moved. Goosebumps prickled the girl’s skin. She was afraid of the deathly silence and ghostly whispers. She ran.
The wind whistled in her ears and she was gone. The tree in the paddock had banished its intruder, leaving it coated in silence once again.
By Georgia
An Unusual Day
The wind howled like wolves as the naked tree in distance crippled to bits.
Bark was scavenged from the tree as the howling wind fiercely collided with it.
Throughout the ghostly mist a glimpse in the distance slowly captured my eye I glared for a while at the beautiful grain field as it sparkled through the fog .
It was like a golden sea as the wind swiftly swayed it left to right shining in the mist.
The lime green grass then lifted beneath my feet as a light breeze swayed across my forehead I stopped when all of a
sudden an outline of a tree appeared out of nowhere.
Goosebumps poured across my body as it looked like a ghostly galleon sailing towards me I stared for a while then fainted.
By Izaya
The Winter Tree
I walked out on to the dark crunching dew with my bear feet. Through the misty fog I stared down o the haunted tree.
I looked up and saw the rustling branches in the high tree.
Shivers crept down my back. I knew something was wrong and I slowly crept backwards towards my house and sat down by the fire.
By Ivan
Earthquake Earth…What?
A house sat near that tree. Its paint was as old as a person. As the wind came in and blew it with such force, it almost lost the roof.
Bill was peering at the naked tree outside, wondering what he could use it for. He also saw a lightning bolt flash into the raging grass as sound shocked the air with the big bang.
“Earthquake!” Bills mother shouted as she rushed under the wooden table, clinging to a wooden chair that was tucked in.
“That was only lightning,” Bill whispered as he started staring at the tree again.
By Arapeta
Winter Tree Stories

WALT Describe the setting.
In Space 17 we have been working hard to write descriptive stories which describe the setting so the reader can imagine they are there! We wrote stories to describe a picture of a lonely winter tree. We used our imagination and creativity to write about what we could see, feel, and hear. We hope you like our winter tree stories.
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Cross Country 2011
Boom! Boom! Boom! My chest was pounding as I got ready to have a race. I was scared to go and race.
I thought I was going to lose to the race, but I was wrong. I was in the front. We had to do two laps. I was so happy Iwas going to win.
My dad was at the end of the race to tell us where to go around the tree and Bens mum said to go through the cones and over the fence.
I was on my second lap and keegan was coming second in the race. But I was sprtting to win the race! It was over.
I told my dad that I came first in the race. He was proud of me and my borther.
By Te Poho
Cross country
“One more lap to go” I thought to myself as I convinced my body to push the limits and reach my goal. It was cross country and we were all super nervous.
It was the most blazing hot day ever and I felt like I was sizzling on a BBQ. The track was damp but the sun soon changed that.
“Ready, set, go!” commanded Miss Williams as we all rushed in a hurry. Another lap I thought as sweat trickled down my face.
I paced myself to the finish line and took another deep breath and collapsed on the tarpaulin. All of a sudden I felt a cold breeze as if Jack Frost ran past and left me to freeze. I quickly clutched onto my jersey and whipped it on. I was glad it was over!
By Diaz
Thursday, 16 June 2011
My Adventure

Here I am I the middle of the Forest. I’ll tell you what happened.
I was on a huge fluffy cloud but then the cloud started to go black.
Suddenly I found myself tumbling from the sky and all my friends were screaming. We all landed on a soft leaf in the forest somewhere.
I tried finding my way home but I couldn’t find out the direction I landed. I was sitting on the bank next to a huge waterfall when it started to rain so I found some cover under a big green leaf.
In the morning there was a big slug in front of me and I started to run for my life. I finally got away from him and ran towards the river because I thought no one goes enemies would go there.
As I got closer I saw a bird and it swept me off my feet and then all of sudden he let go of me and I found myself beside my friends and I told them how I got there.
We all had a big sleep then and then I could feel the sun on me and then a big gust of wind grabbed us and took us up into the sky. We landed on a big fluffy cloud and our lives were much better.
By Alex

Its was just 4 days ago when I was living a life in a white fluffy cloud, just laying back and looking at the sun until DARKNESS takes over “ AHHHHHHHH!”
People said this day would come, but I never thought it really would. Then suddenly I realised that night below my feet was a long lonely stream with many leaf carts racing each other.
Finally I landed on one of the carts. But something wasn’t right. It was more than a stream; it was more like a forest. I was in the dark green forest and floating on a leaf boat travelling through the stream with no idea where I was going.
Later on I suddenly came to a holt. We were at the end. Meanwhile I was in dream-land it was a miracle I had found a whole field of glistening water being lifted into the air and went flying across the sky to there home cloud.
So I went and joined them and it was like, it was airborne. Eventually that miracle was over and I was back home. But I have a feeling that this trip will happen many more times like it just did in this one but a different way I hope.
The next time came but this time was even worse I was slurped up by a bird and I slithered down its pink silvery throat. The rest is too horrible to talk about so it’s better not to. But one more thing before I go you should go and check out the museum if you want to know more.
By Rebecca

Here I am in the middle of the forest. I just wish I was back home. Ok I will tell you how it all started. I was playing when the school bullies came and I said, “what do you want?” “Nothing!” they said. Suddenly they charged at me I fell out of my cloud.
When I landed I saw Eli beside me, that’s it I thought to myself I’m in the middle of nowhere with my cousin Eli.
Suddenly people came they were soldiers, they picked me up and put me in their mouth. It was awful. You will not believe what it was like in there. It was horrible. There were bugs and slugs and crawly things. Before I knew it I was coming out of the place that you don’t want to know it was horrible!
Now I was in the river. I was floating to the sea, but a big gust of wind got me and I started to fly back up to the sky. Yah! I was home again.
By Ben

I was floating high in the sky minding my own business and suddenly a shiver ran up my spine. I realised the sun was slowly drifting away. It was replaced with a loud clap of the thunder and the clear blue sky turned grey as if it was angry or something. Next thing I knew I was falling out of the sky and away from my beloved home.
I turned out of the sky and when I reached earth I hit the hard rock ground in record time.
I stood up and looked around trying to make out what was where and what was what. Anyway I started to wonder off not knowing where to go. I reached a huge log and wondered how I could pass it. I decided to jump over it and the rest of the way I jumped, slid and took rides with all sorts of things.
I saw a speck of the dim sunlight gleaming through the tall unstable trees, so I let the sunlight guide me towards it.
When I got out of the forest I fell into deep ditch of water. The sun shone brightly over the crystal clear water and then my water droplet body rose up and up to the clouds where he first started.
When I got back the first thing I did was tell my raindrop friend about my amazing adventure I had just completed.
By Sinead

I was dreaming away as the hot sunrays were prickling me. I was just about to fall asleep when a cloud quake struck. I fell through the clouds at high speed. Then splash!
I was just recovering from my fearful drop. I was as thin as paper. At that point I woke up to find myself in a tropical rainforest.
I was wondering where I was and all I wanted was to get back home, I thought for a while until a light bulb appeared above my head. I remembered that my parents had said “you need to listen because this will happen one day. You will fall far from home and you will need to begin a very dangerous journey. You will need to find some type of water source. But there will be enemies waiting to attack. So be careful and be ready!”
I was running proud for a moment until I saw a humongous creepy crawly. Ahhhhhhhhhh! I yelled as I sprinted through the forest. I’m safe for now I thought as a giant butterfly swooped down and swallowed me whole.
I was dangling on the slimy pink thing on the back of the butterfly’s throat. When a massive ball of saliva came and swept me off my slimy pink thing. The butterfly had been flying for a while now and I was beginning to rise. I was pretending to fly like superman until I was squeezing through the skin.
I closed my eyes as I was ready for another drop. But there was a different sound this time. PLOP! “I was safe,” I thought. As I checked around for other dangers. Suddenly I started feeling dizzy and there was a blur of a giant golden ball. I was flying higher and higher until I landed back on my white cuddly cloud. I couldn’t believe what I had been through.
I was drinking coconut milk dazing away and I was just about to fall asleep when a cloud quake struck. ‘Not again” I thought to myself.
By Diaz
Water Droplet Stories

WALT Paint a picture in the readers head.
The soft, grainy sand fell between my toes as Rebecca and I strode across the Egyptian Deserts towards the waiting camels.
One, two, three I sprang on the camel’s soft furry back between the camel’s two humps. Once I was in place I found it to be surprisingly comfy. I settled for the three-hour ride to the pyramids.
Rebecca and I were visiting Egypt to discover the mysteries of the world famous pyramids for a school project.
At last the three hour camel ride came to an end. I gently patted the camel’s noble face. It was different to the horse ridding I do because it was a lot higher to sit on a camel.
I was sad to see the camel’s go, but when I spun round, I quickly forgot my sadness because right there in front of me, towering hundreds of metres into the sky were the pyramids. “Wow!” I gasped excitedly, “Those pyramids are huge!” Next to me Rebecca was also star struck. We still had a few metres to walk to reach the pyramids, and under the harsh desert sun the task was grueling.
When we arrived at the foot of the pyramids we sank into the dusty, yellow sand to rest. Big mistake! “Ahhhh!” Rebecca’s scream was almost deafening as a small black scorpion scuttled across her feet. We cautiously edged backwards. Suddenly I felt something cool and smooth bump into my back. I turned my head slowly and saw a gleaming pyramid. ‘ Come on Rebecca!” I called, “lets go inside the pyramid.”
Clonk, clonk, clonk our footsteps echoed as we went inside the pyramid’s. Inside the pyramids it was dark and pleasantly cold, we were glad to get out of the sun.
“Whoa, look at this!” Rebecca exclaimed. I carefully hopped over to her and waited until my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Then I saw the most beautiful piece of art. I reached out to touch it when Rebecca stopped me. ‘ Don’t touch it, it could be cursed with an ancient evil curse or something” she shuddered. I began to shudder too so we left the colourful art behind and trooped further into the fascinating pyramids.
Six hours later we were very weary but overjoyed that we had adventured into the pyramids. It was an awesome experience but it’s time to move on. Maybe next time we can go to the Eiffel Tower, but for now I will just make do with New Zealand.
By Georgia