WALT Paint a picture in the readers head.
The soft, grainy sand fell between my toes as Rebecca and I strode across the Egyptian Deserts towards the waiting camels.
One, two, three I sprang on the camel’s soft furry back between the camel’s two humps. Once I was in place I found it to be surprisingly comfy. I settled for the three-hour ride to the pyramids.
Rebecca and I were visiting Egypt to discover the mysteries of the world famous pyramids for a school project.
At last the three hour camel ride came to an end. I gently patted the camel’s noble face. It was different to the horse ridding I do because it was a lot higher to sit on a camel.
I was sad to see the camel’s go, but when I spun round, I quickly forgot my sadness because right there in front of me, towering hundreds of metres into the sky were the pyramids. “Wow!” I gasped excitedly, “Those pyramids are huge!” Next to me Rebecca was also star struck. We still had a few metres to walk to reach the pyramids, and under the harsh desert sun the task was grueling.
When we arrived at the foot of the pyramids we sank into the dusty, yellow sand to rest. Big mistake! “Ahhhh!” Rebecca’s scream was almost deafening as a small black scorpion scuttled across her feet. We cautiously edged backwards. Suddenly I felt something cool and smooth bump into my back. I turned my head slowly and saw a gleaming pyramid. ‘ Come on Rebecca!” I called, “lets go inside the pyramid.”
Clonk, clonk, clonk our footsteps echoed as we went inside the pyramid’s. Inside the pyramids it was dark and pleasantly cold, we were glad to get out of the sun.
“Whoa, look at this!” Rebecca exclaimed. I carefully hopped over to her and waited until my eyes adjusted to the dim light. Then I saw the most beautiful piece of art. I reached out to touch it when Rebecca stopped me. ‘ Don’t touch it, it could be cursed with an ancient evil curse or something” she shuddered. I began to shudder too so we left the colourful art behind and trooped further into the fascinating pyramids.
Six hours later we were very weary but overjoyed that we had adventured into the pyramids. It was an awesome experience but it’s time to move on. Maybe next time we can go to the Eiffel Tower, but for now I will just make do with New Zealand.
By Georgia
i can really see the surroundings